How to Stay Safe and Secure on Instagram

Instagram provides a seamless way to share filtered snapshots of life's highlights, but like anything on the internet, it has attracted its share of bad actors. Online harassers, hackers, and scammers run rampant, but don't let that scare you away from the Facebook-owned social network.
The social app has introduced a number of features intended to secure your account. There are settings you can manage to control your account's privacy and ensure no one breaks into your account. Here's how to make your Instagram account safer.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

If you're worried about someone hacking your account and posting on Instagram without your authorization, setting up two-factor authentication (2FA) is a must. By requiring a second form of authentication after you enter your password, a hacker can't access your account without physical access to your connected device, even if they have your password.
To set it up, navigate to your profile and tap the hamburger icon (). Select the Settings menu (top of the pop-up on iOS, bottom-right on Android) and tap Security > Two-Factor Authentication > Get Started. You can then choose to set up 2FA through text message or an independent authentication app, such as Google Authenticator.
If your phone is having connectivity issues and can't receive an SMS security code, that's where recovery codes come in. Go to Settings > Security > Two-Factor Authentication > Recovery Codes, and use the displayed code to log in.
How to Stay Safe and Secure on Instagram How to Stay Safe and Secure on Instagram Reviewed by Naim Shaikh on June 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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